Episode 156 Teaching Seasonal Eating


It seems like just yesterday we had director of the Downtown Salt Lake Farmers Market and Urban Food Connections, Alison Einerson, join us to talk about the farmers market. Episode 102 she joined us for a behind the scenes look at the market.

Fast forward a year… Episode 156 Alison sat down again with us to share some updates on what the farmers market is doing this year and plans for a growing future in Salt Lake. The Downtown Farmers Market starts on June 8th at the Pioneer park and runs from 8am until 2pm every Saturday until October. Alison told us that this year’s farmers market is bringing in 6 new farms! The market is really working on teaching seasonal eating. You can sign up for their weekly newsletter that will give you a guide for what will be at the market. *You can subscribe at the bottom of the page linked above.* They are challenging people to make a meal from what you buy at the market!

We want to see what you make this season! Tag us on Instagram with #SLFMTNUP

Photo: Downtown Farmers Market

We want to make mention that the Downtown Farmers market and the Urban Food Connections program are advocating for farmers around the state of Utah. After all, blessed are the cheese makers! They assist in quality control, they make sure that the locally grown and produced items are catering to the clientele of the market, and they are teaching people to eat seasonally and locally. After all, local is better for your health and for the community!

Ever wondered how to get into the market? Applications are due in February and close in April. They pick products based on the need and what holes need to be filled. If you are new to the industry, Alison suggests applying for the Tuesday market so you can get your feet wet! Also, everyone has to re-apply every year!

Did you know that the Salt Lake Downtown Farmers market is the largest in the Inter-mountain West? We only hope that it will continue to grow! Alison had some great advice as the market is about to open:

  1. Park at the Gateway!!! It is only a block away and you can get a validation from the Farmers Market booth. There is a veggie valet who will hold your veggies, when you buy all the things, so you can get your car! -> FREE PARKING <-!
  2. Bike to the market!! There is bike parking, and the green bike program in Salt Lake on the South East corner of the market.
  3. BRING YOUR OWN BAGS!!! There will not be free bags handed out this year. You can purchase a reusable bag for $1. Vendors do not have bags to give out.

Make sure to follow the Downtown Farmers market on their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for updates!

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, and Google Play and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.

Episode 155 I’ll Believe it When it Happens to Me


Curry Stegen, founder of the Passion 4 the Paranormal podcast joined us for episode 155. Curry’s podcast drops new episodes 2 times a month. If paranormal, UFO’s, Aliens, Big Foot, and Skin-walkers are your jam, Curry’s podcast is worth taking a listen to!

Curry hasn’t always been a paranormal investigator and podcaster. He had another life in the Air Force, for 12 years, where he lived all around the world. Curry has since retired and found a passion for the paranormal. Haha. See what we did there. Curry started with a very skeptical interest about 6 years ago and has since been studying and on investigations. Curry went through some of his experiences with us, especially at the Mercur Cemetery. Although the town is currently blocked off, you can still visit the cemetery.

Curry’s podcast has been streaming for 2 years and takes an incredibly educated perspective on paranormal and things of the unknown instead of a very flippant and sensationalized view. With authors, researchers, and educators from all over the country joining his show over the past couple years, listeners can expect a less skeptical view on the unknown. Curry is currently working on a book that he is hoping to have completed by the end of 2019 He really wants to share his stories and remind people that paranormal isn’t what Hollywood is showing you! We look forward to seeing what he has to say! *we will keep you up to date*

We want you to take a listen and hear about Curry’s experiences and his guests. You can find him on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and on his website Passion4theParanormal.

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, and Google Play and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.

Episode 154 Comedy Show Social Expectations


Episode 154 CrowdSourced Comedy/Front Row Film Roast troupe joined us to talk about how they got started and what they are up to in Salt Lake City! We were joined by Jessica, Andrew, Trevor, and Craig. All key players in both groups. You may be familiar with the name Mystery Science Theatre, but the Front Row Film Roast takes it to a completely different level. Instead of using campy b-movies, once a month they are roasting box office movies! Think, The Notebook, Space Jam, Twilight, and coming up this month the fan favorite Tobey McGuire Spider-man. Think about how you feel watching your favorite movie with your funniest friends, that is basically Front Row Film Roast. At Brewvie’s, in Salt Lake City, at the end of the month you can buy a ticket for a mere $12 and get your laugh on with Front Row Film Roast. *It is 21+ only*

We were able to get out of the cast what some of their most favorite past movies they roasted have been! Andrew, Back to the Future. Trevor, Wrath of Khan. Jessica, Love Actually. And Craig, The Notebook. They are always open to take suggestions from the audience for upcoming shows at their roasts!

Upcoming events: May 25th Tobey McGuire Spider-Man and June 29th will be Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark!

Their other passion project, CrowdSourced Comedy, is Utah’s premier improv group. Not only are they performing at Wiseguys and other local comedy clubs, they are using their talents to teach! Andrew, Trevor, Craig, and Jessica have developed their troupe over 9 years. While they always have a constant cast, you may find events where they feature students! They are also for hire, think your birthday party, funeral, etc. Well, maybe not a funeral? Who knows, that landscape is changing too! Improv classes start this week and you can pay for 1 class or the whole series.

We don’t want to give away all the laughs because we want you to listen! You can follow Front Row Film Roast on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can follow CrowdSourced Comedy on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Also stop by their YouTube channel, Naysayers!

On an ending note, regardless of the comedy show, don’t forget your comedy etiquette and don’t be a dick!

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, and Google Play and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.

Episode 153 The Bees are Coming… and so is the Queen!


**Update as of this post being live** The bees did not arrive this past weekend. Weather delayed them.

Episode 153 we had bee chat. Getting new bees. Birds and the bees. Honey. All the things. It was also our monthly segment of an infamous Utah criminal. This month we decided to pick Gary Gilmore. Stay tuned for our recap!

We brought it up quite a while ago, but the Kennecott Visitor Center is now re-opened after a landslide in the mine several years ago.

Speaking of awesome Utah events, there is plenty to do this coming up weekend (10-12th of May) with the 150th celebration of the Transcontinental Railroad. Salt Lake Magazine has a great issue “New West-Old West” on stands. Editor Mary Malouf wrote a beautiful, heart-felt letter from the editor on our strong connection to our past here in Utah. Salt Lake Tribune has a listing of all the places you can enjoy the celebrations this week!

Test Run of the Big Boy in Cheyenne May 2, 2019 @RioGrandeFan

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, and Google Play and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.

Episode 152 FanX 2019 Spring Recap and drunk driving


Episode 152 recap is as short as this year’s spring FanX! We recapped Chris, Bre, and Jessica’s experience at spring FanX Convention. This years event was quite a bit smaller. You could feel it in the crowds, in the way the vendor floor was set up, and by the selection *or lack of* panels, and by the same old people on every panel. Panels are something that Chris, Bre, and Jessica really enjoy and we know that Utah has some amazing and knowledgeable geeks! We REALLY want the powers that be at FanX to utilize them! Take suggestions for panelists. Interview them! Vett them! We really hope some day we get to see a greater variety of the passionate people in our community sharing their knowledge up on those stages.

Photo: Jessica Richardson(FanX April 2019)

Also, don’t be a dick. If you are going to drink and drive *which we most definitely say, please just don’t* please stay far away from Chris and Bre’s fence and don’t do it with your kid in the car!

Here is the link to information about Utah Dark Sky parks that we talk about all the time! Summer is almost here, we hope you get some time to get out and enjoy them.

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, and Google Play and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.

Episode 151 This Belongs in a Museum


We were glad to get author, Megan Kennedy, for episode 151 before she says goodbye to Utah. Not only is Megan Kennedy an author, she is a religion specialist, photographer, and archeologist. . . and most importantly, she is also a metal head!

Megan grew up in Utah and while she was attending college she spent time with local publication, SLUG Magazine. Finding her voice with music, art, religion, and local FanX (formerly Salt Lake Comic Con if you are late to the party), you can still read her archived articles. Megan did her studies in religion and archeology, and unlike Indiana Jones, she actually has been on archeological digs without messing anything up or stealing anything! After graduating Megan told us she became a ghost writer. But, you’re going to have to listen to the episode to hear what she was ghost writing!

Photo: Megan Kennedy

Megan started the Religious Education Series in Salt Lake City. Her purpose was the help people have a conversation and understand where we each come from. She explained to us that it is religion that shapes us as a society, no matter the religion you are. Living in a highly religious state, Utah, having a conversation with Megan and seeing both the good and bad in religion was refreshing. Megan said that if you don’t have an understanding of how religion shapes people and society, then it is hard to have a non-defensive conversation and see why people behave the way they do.

Her take away was be educated so that the gaps aren’t filled with nonsense.

Listen to the episode, because we don’t really want to give away the great conversation that we had with Megan in a recap!

You can support her on Patreon and if you’re open for a great discussion on music, religion, and well rounded topics, follow her on Twitter.

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, and Google Play and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.