Episode 217 Improv Saves Lives


Bryce Hess is the creator and the instructional coach for Finding Parallels. Finding Parallels is, “an improv workshop focused on our youth and empowering them with life skills using Improvisational Comedy.

Bryce comes from an improv background reaching clear back to high school. Is he the stereotype though? We wanted to know what made Bryce start a company like, Finding Parallels. There were a few “why’s” on his passion for starting this company. It can be fun being an idiot if you can get paid for it. Fighting the stigma of improv and teaching core skills used in business. Finally, he finds it important that you teach improv skills to both youth and businesses. Even if you think improv is silly, and full of comedy, you are using it more than you think in every day interactions.

Although there are a couple of local Utah improv troupes, Bryce’s focus on teaching set’s him apart.

As Bryce said, “improve saves lives.”

To get in touch with Bryce you can find him on Facebook, Instagram, or you can email him for corporate or group training findingparallels@gmail.com

We ask our guests what their one thing they couldn’t part with in Utah would be. Bryce said that it is the energy that you feel in Utah. He said he loves the nature aspect of Utah and that it is a great place to detox and connect. Bryce said Utah is one of those places that you always find yourself coming back to.

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, IHeartRadio, Google Play, and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.

Episode 154 Comedy Show Social Expectations


Episode 154 CrowdSourced Comedy/Front Row Film Roast troupe joined us to talk about how they got started and what they are up to in Salt Lake City! We were joined by Jessica, Andrew, Trevor, and Craig. All key players in both groups. You may be familiar with the name Mystery Science Theatre, but the Front Row Film Roast takes it to a completely different level. Instead of using campy b-movies, once a month they are roasting box office movies! Think, The Notebook, Space Jam, Twilight, and coming up this month the fan favorite Tobey McGuire Spider-man. Think about how you feel watching your favorite movie with your funniest friends, that is basically Front Row Film Roast. At Brewvie’s, in Salt Lake City, at the end of the month you can buy a ticket for a mere $12 and get your laugh on with Front Row Film Roast. *It is 21+ only*

We were able to get out of the cast what some of their most favorite past movies they roasted have been! Andrew, Back to the Future. Trevor, Wrath of Khan. Jessica, Love Actually. And Craig, The Notebook. They are always open to take suggestions from the audience for upcoming shows at their roasts!

Upcoming events: May 25th Tobey McGuire Spider-Man and June 29th will be Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark!

Their other passion project, CrowdSourced Comedy, is Utah’s premier improv group. Not only are they performing at Wiseguys and other local comedy clubs, they are using their talents to teach! Andrew, Trevor, Craig, and Jessica have developed their troupe over 9 years. While they always have a constant cast, you may find events where they feature students! They are also for hire, think your birthday party, funeral, etc. Well, maybe not a funeral? Who knows, that landscape is changing too! Improv classes start this week and you can pay for 1 class or the whole series.

We don’t want to give away all the laughs because we want you to listen! You can follow Front Row Film Roast on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can follow CrowdSourced Comedy on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Also stop by their YouTube channel, Naysayers!

On an ending note, regardless of the comedy show, don’t forget your comedy etiquette and don’t be a dick!

We will ALWAYS love your “likes” BUT don’t forget to click that little SHARE button (or retweet) *sharing IS indeed caring* You can find us and subscribe on Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, or Itunes, and Google Play and TuneIN. Leave us a review and Follow us on the Twitter @tnupodcast, Instagram @Tnupodcast, or on Facebook The New Utah Podcast

Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.