Episode 217 Improv Saves Lives


Bryce Hess is the creator and the instructional coach for Finding Parallels. Finding Parallels is, “an improv workshop focused on our youth and empowering them with life skills using Improvisational Comedy.

Bryce comes from an improv background reaching clear back to high school. Is he the stereotype though? We wanted to know what made Bryce start a company like, Finding Parallels. There were a few “why’s” on his passion for starting this company. It can be fun being an idiot if you can get paid for it. Fighting the stigma of improv and teaching core skills used in business. Finally, he finds it important that you teach improv skills to both youth and businesses. Even if you think improv is silly, and full of comedy, you are using it more than you think in every day interactions.

Although there are a couple of local Utah improv troupes, Bryce’s focus on teaching set’s him apart.

As Bryce said, “improve saves lives.”

To get in touch with Bryce you can find him on Facebook, Instagram, or you can email him for corporate or group training findingparallels@gmail.com

We ask our guests what their one thing they couldn’t part with in Utah would be. Bryce said that it is the energy that you feel in Utah. He said he loves the nature aspect of Utah and that it is a great place to detox and connect. Bryce said Utah is one of those places that you always find yourself coming back to.

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.