Episode 156 Teaching Seasonal Eating


It seems like just yesterday we had director of the Downtown Salt Lake Farmers Market and Urban Food Connections, Alison Einerson, join us to talk about the farmers market. Episode 102 she joined us for a behind the scenes look at the market.

Fast forward a year… Episode 156 Alison sat down again with us to share some updates on what the farmers market is doing this year and plans for a growing future in Salt Lake. The Downtown Farmers Market starts on June 8th at the Pioneer park and runs from 8am until 2pm every Saturday until October. Alison told us that this year’s farmers market is bringing in 6 new farms! The market is really working on teaching seasonal eating. You can sign up for their weekly newsletter that will give you a guide for what will be at the market. *You can subscribe at the bottom of the page linked above.* They are challenging people to make a meal from what you buy at the market!

We want to see what you make this season! Tag us on Instagram with #SLFMTNUP

Photo: Downtown Farmers Market

We want to make mention that the Downtown Farmers market and the Urban Food Connections program are advocating for farmers around the state of Utah. After all, blessed are the cheese makers! They assist in quality control, they make sure that the locally grown and produced items are catering to the clientele of the market, and they are teaching people to eat seasonally and locally. After all, local is better for your health and for the community!

Ever wondered how to get into the market? Applications are due in February and close in April. They pick products based on the need and what holes need to be filled. If you are new to the industry, Alison suggests applying for the Tuesday market so you can get your feet wet! Also, everyone has to re-apply every year!

Did you know that the Salt Lake Downtown Farmers market is the largest in the Inter-mountain West? We only hope that it will continue to grow! Alison had some great advice as the market is about to open:

  1. Park at the Gateway!!! It is only a block away and you can get a validation from the Farmers Market booth. There is a veggie valet who will hold your veggies, when you buy all the things, so you can get your car! -> FREE PARKING <-!
  2. Bike to the market!! There is bike parking, and the green bike program in Salt Lake on the South East corner of the market.
  3. BRING YOUR OWN BAGS!!! There will not be free bags handed out this year. You can purchase a reusable bag for $1. Vendors do not have bags to give out.

Make sure to follow the Downtown Farmers market on their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for updates!

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.

Utah’s One Thing: Alison Einerson Market Director Downtown Alliance


At the end of every New Utah interview we like to ask our guests, “What is the one thing that you would tell someone visiting Utah they had to do before leaving?”

We were so excited to sit down for episode 102 with Downtown Farmers Market Director, Alison Einerson! Of course Alison said the first thing you should do is go to a Saturday Farmers Market! Whether you are visiting in the summer and get to go to Pioneer Park, or if you are visiting in the winter season, you can head to the Rio Grande. Alison also said if you are down south, you must eat at Hell’s Back Bone Grill. Known as one of the best restaurants in Utah, who just happens to also be committed to supporting local, it is located in Boulder, Utah. It is open seasonally so make sure you check out the website before heading there!

Winter Market Rio Grande Photo Credit: Downtown Farmers Market SLC

Summer Market Pioneer Park Photo Credit: Jessica Richardson

Photo: TripAdvisor


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Music by Folk Hogan, Bootleggers Dance