Episode 227 Leveling Multi-level Marketing


Okay, you knew eventually we would have to talk about it. We have never taken the time, yes we know in 4 years this is blowing our mind too, to talk about *bum bum buuuuuum* multi level marketing.

Episode 227 we break down some of Utah’s biggest multi level marketing companies and why the work so well in Utah. KUTV did a story about MLM’s and Mormons and their relationship to each other. The Daily Herald listed the top 13 back in 2017. Religion News Service also gave a list of 10 reasons Mormon’s dominate MLM’s.

It’s also end of month and we do a run through of the life of author, businessman, public speaker, and teacher Stephen Covey. He is best known for his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.