Episode 105 The Suburbs of Utah


So much is happening with the New Utah Podcast team this week! Basically we are toddlers now that we are going into three years, right?

We had two graduations. Home improvements completed. Gardens ruined by stupid hail. And we are now the beginning of Pride month in Utah!

Check out this weekends festivities for Utah Pride Festival HERE at one of the country’s best gay pride festivals!

photo credit: Jessica Richardson(@sweetpjess)

This week we started off our third year of broadcasting with a run down of what Movoto thinks are the best Salt Lake City suburbs to live in. They based these off of amenities in the community per capita, commute time, standard of living, total crimes per 100k, and unemployment rate. What do you think about this list that an out of state company compiled?

We also took some time to address the recent harassment controversy with Salt Lake FanX comic con and their Co-Founder Bryan Brandenburg. What do you think? Will you still be in attendance?

We had to touch base on local author, Richard Paul Evans, and his crazy Trybe of Kyngs *gag* and absolutely bonkers comments at a sit down with 2News reporter, Chris Jones. Mr. Evans unfounded statement that “there is a war on men, and that men, white men in particular, are under attack, oppressed by a changing culture, victims of an extremist feminist agenda” has us dumb-founded. As our Chris wrote in our show notes next to RPE name, White Nationalist, Mysoganistic Predator

Have you heard of the lost town of Iosepa? Once upon a time Mormon pioneers from Hawaii trekked to Utah to help build the temple. They were given land out west, like middle of nowhere past Tooele, and created a community. Then the details get sketchy depending on who you ask. Courtney Tanner of the Salt Lake Tribune did a beautiful and kind article on how families still head out there on Memorial day to remember their loved ones. The story is much more torrid but we will let it be butterflies and rainbows this time.

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