Episode 135 Part 2 of our Annual City Weekly “Best of Utah” Recap


Welcome to part 2 of our annual City Weekly Best of Utah recap episodes! Episode 132 we covered the staff picks, which we were less opinionated about because we highly agreed. This episode we get a little more heated and vocal on the readers picks.

If you are unfamiliar with how the readers choice works, which sometimes we are as well, they post categories and it is all write in. So readers either have to rack their brains or just be complacent with what they know. We are looking forward to sitting down with the editor to talk about voting demographics and why in the world La Caille shows up so many times. Are that many normal people going to La Caille? And can you take us with you next time?


If you haven’t had a chance to go through the best of’s yet, you can still find it at City Weekly Best of Utah 2018. There is way more in there than we could possibly cover, though we definitely tried. Some of the categories in the readers choice are everything from best podcast (not us), best Utahn (hands down, yes), best news anchors, best visual artist, best tattoo artists, best hiking trails, skate shop, water skiing, best elected official, and then of course there is ALL THE FOOD! We really tried to be pragmatic going through this but have decided there is SO MUCH that is happening in Utah. We couldn’t help but wonder why the same places get voted over and over when there are more choices. Better choices, if we may. Again, questions for the editor!

We are always excited to see some of our favorites such as Ruby Snap, Cat Palmer, Fillings and Emulsions, Bohemian Brewery, Mountain West, Sugarhouse Distillery, and more!

Take a listen and let us know what YOU think about the readers choice and then listen to episode 132 for part 1 of our staff picks review! Again, we thank City Weekly for the honor this year of best “best of” podcast. We thank you for giving us a super fun show to do two times a year (especially the staff picks)!

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