Episode 132: Part 1 of our Annual City Weekly “Best of” Recap for 2018


Each year, for the past couple years, we’ve dedicated a couple of episodes to the City Weekly Best of Utah magazine! One show for the staff picks and one show for the reader picks.

Episode 132 we went through the staff picks and picked out some of our favorites and what we thought they might be missing. We’ve said it before, but one of our most favorite parts is that the editors take the time to do a humorous write up on what they are writing about, also with a hilarious title.

For example, this year we got best “best of” from editor Enrique Limon (which we are eternally grateful): The New Utah Podcast 
Putting together this annual issue can be a grueling task. Is anyone out there paying attention or are we just flinging copy and pictures into the void in hopes that some business owner instagrams they won Best Original Welcome Mat? Luckily for us curmudgeonly editorial folks, we know at least four people are paying close attention—Jessica Richardson, Chris Burch, Jeremy Gates and Bre Hollingsworth, who for the past two years have dedicated not one, but two episodes (one for editorial picks and one for readers’ choice) to this, the golden plates of Utah awesomeness. Will they agree with this year’s pick for Best Utahn? Will they grill us for our selection of Best Penis Envy? Stay tuned to find out. (EL) 

Yes, indeed we did grill them for selection of Best Penis Envy. We were really excited this year to see so many of our past guests make it in! Stay tuned for round 2 in a couple weeks where we go into readers picks!

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