Episode 303 – Robert Brownie Jr


Meet Molly Kohrman, founder and head chef at Brownies Brownies Brownies! a local baker and you guessed it, brownie specialist. Molly is from the east coast, Philadelphia to be precise, and came to Utah, following the rest of her family moving here. Molly is a strong supporter of the community and a great inspirational local Utah business woman.


In talking to Molly we were all shocked at how she started her business here in Utah. She tells us all about how she got into baking and a love of brownies of course, but it is the actual adventure in starting a business that is worth hearing about. She spent a lot of time prior to starting, getting help from a wealth of amazing small business resources available for free in the state of Utah. From the Utah Small Business Development Center to the Women’s Business Center of Utah, to the public library, she talks us through all the resources she had available to get started the right way. Needless to say Chris and Jeremy wished they knew of such resources.

Molly is also a strong community advocate. She has helped give back in numerous ways through the years she has been in business. She tells us a lot about the community fund raisers she does during the show. We also get to hear about how she likes to collaborate with other businesses since Utah is such a loving business community.

Brownies Brownies Brownies

Of course no show about brownies would be complete without talking about the brownies themselves, and we do a lot of that. From Molly’s favorites, to how she decides what to make to our suggestions, and we all leave very hungry.

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