Episode 128 Not the Election Results Show


Because we were recording our show as the polls were closing we were unable to share actual data. Also, it is now Friday and there are races that are still not called locally, *cough Ben vs Mia cough* and that race is incredibly close. Get your shit together Utah County.  You can follow the results on vote.utah.gov

We have seen some great results reported though! Our guests Sim Gill (Salt Lake County District Attorney) and Derek Kitchen (Senate District 2) were re-elected and elected. Alex Castagno ran a great race and finished with 33% of the vote. Shireen Ghorbani had a hold for a moment, and then Utah county came in and she lost to Chris Stewart with 38% of the vote. Josh Cameron finished with 30% of the votes. We hope to continue to see all three of them active in Utah politics because we need voices like these strong, passionate people!

Alright, politics aside. Did you know,

In 1875, a man named James Wickham was looking for a way to increase tourism. He thought having whales swimming around in the Great Salt Lake would do the trick, so he had two of the giant mammals shipped in from Australia. Unfortunately, once they swam off, there is no official record that they were ever seen again, although rumored spotting continue to this day.

We just want to know where the bones went? Also, Utah law says whale hunting is illegal. So there’s that.

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