Historically Utah: The Great Saltair


Our deep dive into a historically significant place in Utah for February, episode 248, takes us to The Great Saltair.

It was first built at the end of the 1800’s as an amusement park and a wholesome destination for dates and families. Owned and developed by the LDS Church it was the place to be until the first fire.  Yup, there have been three fires in the history of Saltair but that doesn’t keep the place down.  It’s now been resurrected as an event and concert venue.  In that vein, we discuss Utah’s other amusement parks, event centers, and concerts.

People swimming at Saltair in 1933. Photo Salt Lake Tribune

Music for episode by Folk Hogan

Episode 175 Historic or Just Old


We had the pleasure of sitting down with public outreach director, Wendi Pettett, of Preservation Utah for episode 175. Preservation Utah is a local, non-profit working on the preservation of historic neighborhoods and buildings around the state.

Although Wendi has only been with the organization just short of a year, her passion for restoration and preservation makes her a great fit for her position. Not only does Preservation Utah focus on the restoration and preservation, they try to get communities to re-use as much as possible. Keeping these historic buildings in our neighborhoods give a sense of place.

The organization is always working on events and partnering with other historic groups around Utah such as Weber County Heritage Foundation and the historic commission in Pleasant Grove, just to name a couple of recent partners. Keeping these buildings in the public eye create an interest and a sense of nostalgia. How does one actually do that?? Well, tours!! What better way to get out and see the history in our communities than through walking tours.

Once a year Preservation Utah offers a historic home tour (just passed over the weekend of Oct 5th). There are pub crawls, walking tours through local neighborhoods, conferences, and more! You can follow Preservation Utah on their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for upcoming events and ways to preserve your neighborhood. You can also find them at the Memorial house in Memory Grove and at Salt Lake Modern.

Also, National Geographic is running their Vote Your Main Street competition this year. They will be offering grants to historical sites across America. The Ladies Literary Club is up for nomination. You can vote once a day with 5 entries for the club. It is a very old part of Salt Lake City that would definitely love an upgrade!! **no need to register, just give an email and they will send a link that is good for 5 minutes** VOTING ENDS OCT 29th, 2019!

Image may contain: 32 people, people smiling

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.