Episode 130 Decking your Halls with Boughs of Holly and Trimming your Tree with Lux Floral and Design


This week we were so excited to finally announce that Ben McAdams took the 4th Congressional seat. High five to the 81% in Salt Lake County and the 68% in Utah County that took time to either mail in or go out and vote! Hopefully this election showed how much your vote really does count.

Now to the fun stuff! We were joined by none other than our favorite formerly known as, Miss Harry-It Winston, AKA Kelley Neal. Kelley has been working as the director of design at Lux Floral and Design for the last year and a half. We wanted to hear his decorating tips for the holidays and about their upcoming “wreaths and wine” classes December 3, 4, and 5th. We also wanted to know his favorite and least favorite flowers, some of his favorite events, as well as what is upcoming for Lux.

Lux Floral and Design are available through the holiday season if you are looking for that perfect “Hallmark” look and you don’t quite have the Pinterest skills to make it work. Whether decking your boughs will holly or trimming your tree, Kelley and his team can make sure you are decorated for the season.


Follow Lux Floral and Design on Facebook because they are always doing awesome live videos of how to’s and of their events. You can purchase tickets to the Wreaths and Wine events HERE (just make sure you buy tickets for the day that works best for you)

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