Utah’s One Thing: AJ Wentworth of The Chocolate Conspiracy


At the end of every New Utah interview we like to ask our guests, “What is the one thing that you would tell someone visiting Utah they had to do before leaving?”

Episode 91 we had two awesome guests join us. Owners, AJ and Steve, of The Chocolate Conspiracy sat down with us to talk about pure, unadulterated chocolate. AJ told us that he is a fan or architecture and that his one thing he would tell people visiting Utah before they leave would be to go and see the Salt Lake City Mormon Temple because of the architecture. AJ said to learn the history of where it came from because the granite came from the Cottonwood Canyons here in Utah. He said go see the canyon and then go see the temple to see where it came from.

Of course you should stop by The Chocolate Conspiracy and pick up some chocolate too!

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Music by Folk Hogan, Bootleggers Dance