Episode 268 – Iron Pine


Hey, it’s Bre! It’s my turn again for the blog.  This is good one, so be sure to listen if you haven’t already!

Chris and Jeremy lament the gardening scene and how it’s been a bad year due to the early heat and continued high temperatures.  Neither one is having a great gardening season.  To add insult to injury, Jeremy’s rats are back.  He and Julia’s boyfriend, Bryton, have another shooting session scheduled.  They will be using night vision and a .22 air rifle to take the little suckers out.

The Filly Apron

I got to meet my new bio-family and they were incredibly welcoming and kind.  I always thought that the work my parents went to in order to conceive me made me kinda special; but, knowing the thought my donor and his family put into as well, really makes me feel worth.  It’s a little overwhelming but in a good way!

This week we are lucky to speak to an artist.  Austin Luckett from Iron Pine joins us in the studio.  We made contact with Austin through Bryton.  Austin chooses to print his art onto metal as opposed to more traditional mediums.  He likes to help other artists and uses his equipment to print their work, too.

Austin started out life in Boynton Beach, FL and moved all over the country.  His father was a hydrogeologist (how cool!) and they moved where the work was.  He met his wife while they were living in California.  Austin started out his career as a landscape architect and they worked at a firm together.  At one point, he thought he’d pivot to architecture but after going to school for a while, just wasn’t feeling a passion for it.

He decided he needed a change.  His wife is originally from Ogden, so they decided to head back to Utah.  Austin had been developing a landscape photography hobby and that was evolving into more.  With his wife working at Hill Air Force Base, he worked with his children who were in a learning program hat took them all over Utah, where Austin was able to photograph Utah’s beauty.

When he had the opportunity to purchase metal printing equipment from someone who had been making his prints for him, he jumped.  He started renting a space at The Monarch on Ogden’s Historic 25th Street.  The building was developed with artists in mind.  There are 40 art studios, retail space, a restaurant and they have markets on Saturday’s and Sunday’s.

Austin says the most interesting/unique thing about Utah is Ogden’s Historic 25th Street.  There is something for everyone, from a biker to a businessman.  He loves the people, there’s some grit and always something interesting happening.

Follow Austin on Instagram:  iron.pine or head to his website to find out when you can visit him in his studio.

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