Episode 206 Eating by Word of Mouth


Episode 206 we had a chance to talk to the founders of the influencer foodie app, FUDI! Clever, right?

Zach Holub and Cees (pronounced Case) Hofman joined us through Skype to talk about their journey to creating an app that will help in making sure that we are taking care of our local restaurants, especially during COVID! Zach and Cees have been friends since college. Even after going their separate ways to purse adventure (Cees) and medical school (Zach) they decided their paths needed to meet in common ground and founded FUDI. We wanted to know how this app came about. Zach and Cees told us about a time they visited Bali and made it a goal to eat for free the entire trip based on social media interactions. That adventure, as well as others, lead them to creating a way for social influencers to build relationships with the community and local restaurants.

Yes, there is Google. Yes, there is Yelp. How many times have you posted a picture of something you ate at a restaurant on Instagram and your friends/followers comment on how amazing it looks and how much they want to try it? There is rarely a time that you get negative feedback (reviews) and that is the idea behind FUDIapp! All they ask is a minimum of 1000 followers and you can sign up. How does it work you ask? Social influencers post about their visits to local restaurants and the ROI for the restaurants is the word of mouth created by these influencers. Seems like a win-win.

ON a side note, we want to send a shout out to Cees cat, because this kitty has been on quite the adventures! Cees and his wife took an RV sponsored trip during the 100th anniversary of the parks and decided to take Vladimir Kitten along the way!

You can sign up through this LINK to be part of FUDIapp community. You can also follow them on Instagram to see what people are talking about!

We ask our guests what their one thing they couldn’t part with in Utah would be. Zac told us that his one thing would be how quickly you can get into the mountains and the cool views! Cees told us that the access to wilderness. Whether you want to climb, do trails, go to Southern Utah.

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.