Episode 193 Cross the Payson/Dixon Line to the Jello Belt


If you’ve been in Utah, or know anything about Utah, you know that the Salt Lake Valley is stationed between two massive mountain ranges. What does this cause? The inversion weather patterns to settle and pollution particles to settle under that, creating Utah’s air quality problem.

Episode 193 we had executive director of UCAIR, Thom Carter, sit down with us to clear up some misconceptions and walk us through some facts about Utah’s air quality situation. Cause sometimes it is a situation. We wanted him to teach us how we can each make small improvements in our daily behaviors to keep Utah out of the red zone. UCAIR is lengthened to the Utah Clean Air Partnership and is a Utah non-profit working to help Utahn’s have better air quality. They are not an advocacy group that is lobbying. They ARE a group that is educating, offering grants, partnering with local organizations, and always working with locals in ways to make improvements in our air. You can read more about the “why” on their about page. If anything you want to listen because Thom has lived a 1000 lives and his story of becoming the director of UCAIR is full of world travel, politics, baseball, and a health scare.

When we talk about ways to improve our air quality it truly is as simple as not idling. Turning your car off while in the drive thru waiting, when picking up your kids at work, or getting your coffee in the gas station in the morning. It is about updating your lawn mowers and snow blowers. It’s even about farming and creating green spaces.

You can find how to get involved and tips and tricks on their website, UCAIR.ORG and on their Facebook page. They also have a great YouTube channel.

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.