Episode 213 Olivia, The Angry Man, and the Hag.


It has been a while since we had a chance to sit down with Hraefn and Jen of Mcgrew Studios. They have been incredible supporters of our show and we wanted to find out how they are doing through COVID and what kind of attention the shop has garnered from their Ghost Adventures episode.

Rewind a little bit so you can have some background on our guests. Hraefn is a set designer for local events, movies, and so on. Jen is an immaculate costume designer and seamstress. Together they run McGrew Studios which is located in the Granary District, in a very old building. When COVID started, everything in their industry shut down. This left them wondering how rent and bills would be paid, and Jen gave us a run down of the cat and mouse game trying to get funding from the government.

At the end of April, an episode of Ghost Adventures (Season 21. Episode 9) aired featuring McGrew studios and the building they reside in. Yes, it is haunted. Once you get past the television rigmarole, you are left with three very distinct characters that reside at McGrew Studios. Young Olivia. The Angry Man. The Hag. Hraefn, and local medium Misty Sherwood, walked us through each of the entities that reside in the space. Hraefn and his team have a really incredible plan for the studio regarding these residents. You can set up an investigation through the studio and through Paranormal Nerds United.

If you would like to donate to McGrew Studios for their upcoming project or to help with their rent you can on the GoFundMe that was set up for them.

You can follow what they are up to on their Facebook and on Hraefn’s Instagram!

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.