Episode 219 Leadership That Listens


One of the awesome parts of our podcast is getting people in our studio that really love serving their community. So basically every week is awesome!

Episode 219 we got to sit down with current Riverton City Mayor, and candidate for Salt Lake County Mayor, Trent Staggs (not Skaggs). From a family of 7 sisters and 2 brothers, he learned at an early age to hold his own and to be a leader. Trent has a background in business and political science and has been working in green industry for several years. After serving his time and getting involved with the Riverton City Council, he decided to run for mayor and won!

Trent’s next venture is running for county mayor to unseat Jenny Wilson.

Photo: Trent Staggs Campaign

As Riverton city mayor he told us he has created a set of values for the city, a motto, and has already obtained 80% of the goals set when he took office. We talked about his feelings towards the Olympus Hills project and the action he and fellow local mayors have taken to be involved, and what made him decide to run for the county seat. We talked about his opinion pieces that he has been writing for the Salt Lake Tribune (Linked below) and what it has been like running a campaign during COVID. His website has a great list of more of the things he has accomplished while in office.

Trent Staggs pitch for the fight against air pollution.

Trent Staggs Utah’s response to COVID is not sufficient.

Trent Staggs Critical Need for improved transportation

Trent Staggs It’s Time for Salt Lake County to Lead the Way.

Trent Staggs Power of Local Solutions with city police department

We can always tell when a guest truly loves their community, and Trent is definitely one of them. You can follow his campaign on his campaign website TrentStaggs.com. You can also follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

We ask our guests what their one thing they couldn’t part with in Utah would be. Trent said without a doubt, the mountains. He said every time he flys somewhere you come back and you get to see our mountains. He also mentioned the unlimited recreational opportunities in said mountains!

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Music By: Folk Hogan. Bootleggers Dance.