Episode 350 – Drinking with Cool People


After an intro filled with us discussing sausage and car issues, we get to chat with our old friend, Alexi Fisher from The Hammered Copper and Cocktail Collective. We get to catch up on what new things she has and how the year has been. But we also dive into a lot of talk about types of booze and drinking and just life in general. 

Thank you to Folk Hogan for our intro music. 

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Episode 304 – Pirate O’s


This week Jeremy and Julia tells us all about Julia’s collaboration with Alexi at a Cocktail Collective event.  Folks who attended made spells jars and learned how to make cocktails.  This will be an ongoing thing between the two each month so check out their websites for dates, times, locations, and ways to register.  Additionally, Julia will be at Pride Fest, West Fest, Herriman Town Days and Riverton Town Days, if you want to stop by and support her.  When you do, mention you heard about her on the podcast, and you’ll earn a free crystal!

Chris talks about the craziness of Orlando and how strange it is there.  If you want a theme park, that’s where you should go because it’s not all Disney!

Voting for Best of Salt Lake has begun and goes through April 6th.  Our friends at K9 Design, Kudos 2 Canines, Ruby Snap, Olio, etcetera, will be there to vote for, so go do the thing!

Temple Traveler

This week we’re super excited to have had Orian Collinsworth the owner and proprietor of Pirate O’s Gourmet Market on the show.  To those of you who know, you know and to the rest of you, let’s learn.  We start out learning that our guest was born in Yukohama, Japan while his dad was there for the military.  After traveling all over and losing his mother, his family ended up on Spokane, WA where his father was decommissioned right before Vietnam and became a Baptist minister.

Orian ended up in Idaho where he attended Boise State College and was the first graduating class of Boise State University.  There begins he illustrious travels to play foosball and him landing in Utah where he started working for a natural foods’ distributor.  He survived several sales to larger companies until he ended up working for Walmart.  That didn’t last long and after losing his job, he worked with another retailer to start a store modeled after Trader Joe’s.  Evolution has created what has now become Pirate O’s.  A fantastic gourmet grocer who also sells fun and exotic candies, has a special hot sauce wall and pasta room.  Where else can you easily buy a $200 bottle of hot sauce?!?!

Reddit, dave-ming-chang

Orian said customers used to come in for ‘that one thing’ but now his customers come in for regular shopping.  And don’t forget the deli.  While dining in is still not an option, carry out is.  The number one seller is #15, so go in and enjoy it.  As a side note, the building was built in 1976 as the Fort Douglas Theater and moved to its current location where Orian plans to keep expanding and maybe even open a second location.  We also learned about a POW’s first right of refusal and many other stories he had to share.  Take a listen to the episode and hear about a fantastic person’s journey to create a fantastic place that can only be found in Utah!

Draper Journal

Orian’s favorite thing is Snowbird and powder from the past.  Skiing may not be what it once was, but it’s something that is still enjoyable and fantastic and uniquely Utah.

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