Episode 306 – Slappy Fun Time Place


We had the pleasure of speaking at length to Alan Dee Geddes this episode. He is a life long magician and Tarot reader. Based out of Ogden, Utah, Alan is a life long Utahn. You can often find him at The Ogden Monarch like so many of our other past guests. He also has a YouTube Channel, where you can find his magic trick videos.

Photo: The Monarch

Alan grew up in Utah, but decided at 17 years of age, to take a life journey to Las Vegas. He already knew he liked magic and tarot by that point, and joined the Las Vegas magic club. Of course we talk all about his time in Vegas and the history of Magic there. While incredibly impressionable on Alan, his time in Vegas did not last long, and he made his way back to Utah.

We walk through some of his early Utah years in Ogden. He spent time at The Fun Shop, learning magic tricks. He would do magic on the side at Grizzly Bear Pizza. And at some point in all of this, Alan found his first tarot deck and was instantly hooked.

The Fun Shop (Photo: Pintrest)

The Waite Smith Tarot deck, is really what hooked Alan. It still remains his favorite in terms of art, but he has many, many more. We get to take a really deep dive with Alan about Tarot. He learned a lot in the pre-internet days, simply by reading books he checked out from the public library system. The complete guide to tarot was his first book on tarot. And for years he preformed magic, and tarot readings, all while working at Xerox / Kinkos and the IRS.

Now Alan has decided to read tarot, work on his magic, practice Wicca and practice reiki full time. He gives us insight into what people ask the most about (psst its Love, Health and Money) and how he likes to read. He even does a small reading for the podcast, pulling a card for each of the hosts. But I’m going to make you listen to find out what we pulled, and if I pulled the death card or not again.

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