Episode 293 – Dead Trees


Utah turned 126 for this episode. So Happy Actual Birthday Utah! Jeremy tell us he’s going to go to Monster Jam to see the trucks, and Chris complains about indoor monster truck shows.

The real meat of the show though, is our discussion with Cody Chamberlain, a local Utah artist inspired by all of the vast beauty and often emptiness of the state. You can find all of his work on his website.

We find out quickly he was born on September 11, and have a long discussion on how that impacted him as a person. We talk about where he was when everything happened, and how he found out hours after most of the world. It’s an interesting take you will want to hear.

We get to dive into his love of art, and how after deciding to get his GED, he went to college to pursue a degree in Fine Arts at Utah Valley University We talk a lot a good deal about his experiences in college actually prepared him to be a full time artist and make a living selling his art work.

We also dive into the focuses of his art. Very much influenced by the landscape of Utah, his art features a take on dead trees, and mortality, and life. Utah summers are featured predominately in his very large scale custom pieces. He’s spent a lot of time in the great nothingness of the Utah desert finding inspiration for his work.

And when I talk about the grandeur of his art, I would be remiss to show you some images. His stuff is as big as a full grown man in many cases. He doesn’t hold back in the scale of his work.

Procession Panel CodyRexChamberlain.art
Boulder Mountain Ponderosa: codyrexchamberlain.art

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